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What is a Data Breach?

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You’ve probably heard the words ‘data breach’, but what exactly does this mean? The year 2020 has, quite possibly, been one of the craziest and most terrifying to date. We...
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The public sector handles a wide range of our sensitive information. It needs this data to deliver the services we have all come to expect. But, as our world becomes...
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Human error, poor business processes and cybercrime are causing data breaches across the UK. And, if you have been the victim of a privacy violation, you must take urgent steps...
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When it comes to data breaches, we know that the impact can be serious and long-lasting. Because, every day, our solicitors help people with data breaches that have had a...
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At Hayes Connor Solicitors, we think it’s imperative that everyone is super vigilant to protect against data breaches and cybercrime during the coronavirus pandemic. In particular, our expert data breach...
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Following a data breach, many people become anxious and upset. Both about the breach of privacy and the possible consequences. Depending on the type of breach, there can be worries...
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According to Action Fraud, criminals are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to defraud innocent people. And, in March 2020, coronavirus-related fraud reports increased by 400%. At Hayes Connor, we join Action...
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Following warnings from the police that “individuals may be taking advantage of the vulnerable by posing as door-to-door coronavirus testers in order to gain access to people’s properties”, Hayes Connor...
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